महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेज

30 organisations warned in the issued statement against the Nepalese ambassador

11 Jan 2023, London, at least 30 Nepalese organisations issued a statement against the Nepalese ambassador Gyan Chandra Acharya.

Mr Acharya was invited as chief guest in the event of last Saturday at Aldershot, which was organised by the Non-Nepalese Resident Association (NRNA) UK. In that event, there were more than three dozen organisations were invited for the annual general meeting (AGM) and the organiser delayed to start the event on waiting of ambassador Acharya but at the last minutes he cancelled and blamed your organisation is not legitimate so I m unable to attend the event.

NRNA UK is a registered charity company in the UK (Charity no 1196013), but a few days ago, a group of people, including a treasurer Mr Bishnu Kharel, sent 39,285 pounds to Nepal without the president and majority of members’ consent; therefore, there are some conflicts between them. Thirty organisations warned and requested not to be divided Nepalese society in the UK, and the ambassador should be in an ambassador role, they stated in the issued joint statement. Ambassador is a political appointed by Nepali Congress; hence his priorities go to a political party rather than an ambassador role, a signatory organisation leader Amit Thebe alleged.

NRNA is an umbrella organisation of Nepalese organisations within the UK. Every year at least once, they invited all organisations and updated the financial state and progress of events. In that AGM they successfully concluded all the listed agendas in the absence of a Nepalese ambassador.

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